Hi My name is Trisha Ferris!

     Hello! I am new to the blogging world but I am hoping to make a grand entrance so to speak. My name is Trisha Ferris. I am just a regular person who writes a lot and thought that maybe my thoughts could help others as well. However, I have so much to write about that I honestly could not pick just one blog theme. I also do not have the attention span to have multiple blogs, so this is just going to be a giant random monster of things that interest me and I hope interest's you too. 

    The first thing you should know about me is that I am a gamer and a giant nerd/geek. When I sit down to game for my two hours a day I first get to choose between my Xbox One, my PS4 and my Nintendo switch. Then I get to comb through my extensive video game library and my Fiancée's even larger library to figure out what to play. I mostly enjoy RPG's of the fantasy genre to be honest. My favorite games are, Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption 2, all of the Assassin Creed games (accept for 3, we do not talk about three), All Pokémon games, every other game I have played in my life. 

    To be Completely honest I am just a fan of stories. Games for me are just interactive stories that make me feel like I am in the world. Honestly it is not hard to make me feel emerged though, I am generally entertained by most if not all stories. For me at least, no movie, book or game is bad because it does what it was created to do, tell a story. 

    I also very much enjoy to play board games, any and all of them. Especially if I get the chance to play with real people! I love seeing the enjoyment on people's faces when we play board games. It is even more fun with children, they are just always there for a good time and are just waiting to have all of the fun. 

    My geekiness does not stop there of course because I do play card games. By card collection consists of three different card games at this point. First I have my boxes upon boxes of Magic: The Gathering cards. For some reason with that game I spend more time playing Draft games to get more cards then actually making decks. What a draft game is, is when you go into the shop you pay an entrance fee into the "tournament" of about fifteen dollars, then they give you three packs to use to make your deck, after some trading and such you are ready to go with cards you did not have thirty minutes ago. After a while the cards have just started piling up and I am running out of space. Then I also have a Pokémon card collection, I do have one deck (rock type) but I really do not play much, I just like collecting them all! Finally there are the Yu-gi-oh cards as well. I was never actually into Yu-gi-oh until I met my fiancée. Then he taught me how to play and with my completive nature I researched and built the perfect fluffal deck that his elemental heroes have no chance against. We sadly have not played since the introduction to the fluffal deck.  

    I also play table top games believe it or not! I mostly am a Dungeon Master for a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition campaign right now. But I am always looking to try out new table top games. For a while I payed in a Rouge Trader campaign that is the table top version of War Hammer. War Hammer itself is not a game I am into, but basically you build and paint a miniature army and then fight against someone else's army. I just do not have the time and energy for that. But I digress, what I am trying to say is I love table top games and I am always willing to try new ones.

Dungeon's and Dragons dice set, mine are usually purple as purple is the color of royalty. 

   When it comes to movies and tv shows there are very few I do not like. I love everything Marvel and DC. My favorite movie's are the Hobbit and Lord Of the Rings movies. My favorite TV Show is Supernatural. I generally love anything fantasy and I am entertained by anything with a story. Sometimes I also like documentaries or supernatural shows, but I really will watch almost anything and I am not very picky. 

    Other hobbies I participate in is writing stories big and small. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting. I love arts and crafts and I am working on a rather large diamond painting at the moment, which takes up a lot of my time as it is. 

    But that is all I am into and probably a lot more stuff I just am not able to put my finger on. I will probably be writing about all of the above and more. I hope you enjoyed reading about me and who I am, I also hope my blog is not overly boring for you. But all I can say at thing point in enjoy!


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