Authors Vs. Writers


    I have been having this growing issue with Hollywood. Not just Hollywood but all of the big content creators as well. They think they have a system, a formula per say that tells them whether something is going to be good and make them a lot of money, or won't make them any money at all and I hate it. 

    Most new movies have become boring to me. All of the romance movies are the same, the couple falls in love, they fight and leave each other, but then they realize that they still love each other and get back together. 

    Action movies have small differences but most of them are the same. The main characters need to do something whether it is protect it, steal it, find it or anything else. There is a big bad who wants to do the same thing. The protagonist fights their way so their goal and ultimately succeeds. Also for some reason there is a love interest in there somewhere as well. 

    The genres and the stories go on and on. Of course I am not saying all movies are the same, but they have a lot of similarities. My hypothesis for this, and please correct me if you think am wrong, Hollywood thinks they have created the perfect formula for story telling. They think that if they just follow this same formula for every movie that it will sell and make them a ton of money. A lot like following a recipe for baking a cake. But if you eat the same cake every day you are bound to get tired of it. This is where I am right now. 

    For me this has also been the case for publishers and authors. The Publishers will just take a book and change it to match their view of what is "good" these days. Authors will try to copy that formula as well so that they get famous. This whole thing makes me sad. 

    People who just want to be famous do not tell good stories. I am not saying my stories are perfect, but I am not trying to get famous off of them. I just want to tell stories, I want to entertain people and take them away to worlds that I have created. If people are in the business of telling stories just to make money, they should not be in the business. 

    Don't get me wrong, I would love to make money from my writings. But my goal is not to be famous, my goal is to be able to write for my full time job. I just want to make enough to live comfortably doing what I love. That is different from only doing something to get rich. 

    I have found something amazing though. While i have basically given up on Hollywood or bif publishers to give me something interesting. The best stories I have read lately were free to read. Sure they may have some spelling errors and the story is not put together as well as a publisher would have. But the stories themselves are amazing. These stories are different, they keep me on my toes and they are free to read. 

    These stories have come from places like Tumblr and Webtoon. For those of you who do not know webtoon it is a free app where you can read webcomics. That is where I have been spending most of my time lately. There is something beautiful about an author having full creative power over their work. So many movies would have turned out better if they just got the author to be there and took the author's advice! 

    I know this all seems a bit out there and such. but I wanted to share my thoughts on this because it truly has been weird for me. The free content that has barely any money behind it entertains me more than billion dollar movies. that seems a little backwards don't you think?

   The webtoons I have been reading are "Equus Siderae," "Lore Olympus," "Let's Play," "Return to Player," etc. There are just so many stories on there! If you are into storytelling as much as I am, I would look it up. Good Luck! 


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